Electronics Engineering & Communications

Home / Academics / Field of Engineering / Electronics Engineering & Communications
University Requirements:14 Cr.Hrs. 6 Cr.Hrs. 20 Cr.Hrs.
General Field Requirements: 33 Cr.Hrs. 33 Cr.Hrs.
General Specialty Requirements: 64 Cr.Hrs.3 Cr.Hrs. 67 Cr.Hrs.
Minor Specialty Requirements: 30 Cr.Hrs.15 Cr.Hrs. 45 Cr.Hrs.

**The Student must perform field training for 10 weeks during his study duration for at least two separate periods not exceeding 6 weeks at a time each.

A program in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is concerned with the electronics industry, taking advantage of the geographical proximity of the Suez Canal axis and because the electronics industry is one of the industries that rely on mental effort and scientific production. The program focuses on microelectronics engineering, electronic systems design, low energy electronics, electronics applications in Internet objects systems, fifth generation networks and precision sensors.

  • Understanding, designing, and developing electronic circuitry from discrete components to circuits and system levels.
  • Applying control theory and measurement principles for industrial variables, signal conversion, adaptation, and treatment.
  • Dealing with computers, software, operating systems, and communication.
  • Designing, implementing, and operating digital and analog communication systems.
  • Analyzing sing, designing, and implementing technology for communication links including satellite, fiber optic communications and mobile communications systems.
  • Analyzing sing failure and developing innovative solutions using methods to analyze performance.
  • Designing, producing and modifying designs Managing/working in a team of engineers
  • Undertaking site surveys
  • Producing disaster management plans
  • Interpreting data and writing reports
  • Testing systems