Vice President for Academic Affairs

Prof. Dr. Hesham M. Gaber


Dr. Hesham M. Gaber is a development expert, educator, and environmental scientist with wide managerial, research and teaching experiences, particularly in the fields related to the sustainable management of natural resources with emphasis on pollution and remediation science and technology. He currently occupies the position of Professor of soil and pollution sciences in the University of Alexandria, Egypt. His research program focuses on developing a better understanding of the factors and processes governing the fate and transport of contaminants in the vadose zone and under nonideal conditions (physical and chemical). His approach couples experimental measurements and model-based simulation data at different scales (batch, column, field). Specific research interests include: I) fate of reactive contaminants in heterogeneous porous media, II) factors and processes (i.e., rate-limited mass transfer, multi-compound, multi-phase) influencing bioavailability and biodegradability of organic contaminants, and III) development and evaluation of novel remediation technologies for point-sources of pollution. He is also interested in research related to the risk assessment of biosolids and safe utilization of sewage sludge and wastewaters in agriculture. Recently, his research interests has expanded to include research on managing ecosystems for sustainable resources and improving community health.

Between 1990 and 2000, Dr. Gaber had been on missions in the USA at different capacities as graduate student, research associate, and visiting/adjunct professor at Montana State University-Bozeman and University of Nebraska-Lincoln. As a research scientist working during this period in USA, his research focus was directed towards better understanding of the factors and processes governing the fate and transport of organic contaminants in the subsurface ecosystem.

Since 2006, Dr. Gaber has moved to the administration side as vice dean and dean for the faculty of Agriculture in Alexandria University. In these capacities, he was actively engaged in the area of higher education enhancement and development. He participated in the study leading to the development of the Alexandria University strategic directions in education, research and community development until the year 2020. He also was actively engaged in studies that contributed to the restructuring efforts of the faculty of agriculture and the soil and water sciences department. The goal of these activities was to make agricultural education more demand-driven and be in step with the most recent advances and trends in science and technology. He contributed to a study of the prospects of agriculture education in Egypt and assessment of carrier opportunities for agriculture graduates.

Dr. Gaber was appointed to lead the university’s effort to establish and execute the Alexandria University Strategic Planning Center.  In his capacity as the Center Executive Director, Dr. Gaber has lead a team of strategic planning experts from Alexandria University assigned to review, update, reformulate, monitor the execution, and evaluate the progress of Alexandria University Strategic Plan (2030) towards achieving its objectives.

Starting August 2014, Dr. Gaber was appointed to lead the Bibliotheca Alexandrina’s effort to establish and execute the BA Center for Environmental Studies (BACES). In his capacity as the Director of the Center, Dr. Gaber will provide a leadership in carrying out studies on the most stressing environmental issues as for the national, regional, and global communities. The Center was envisioned to work as a Think Tank for the Egyptian Government and provide the decision makers with scientifically sounded studies on the environmental issues.

Starting from 2015, Dr. Gaber moved to the top-level administration of Alexandria University as Vice President for Education and Student’s Affairs, and later he was appointed as Acting Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environment Development.

In 2020, Dr. Gaber was appointed as Acting President of Alexandria University for the period starting from September 2020 till December 2020.

Most recently and starting August 2021, Dr. Gaber moved to Alamein International University (AIU) where he was chosen to be the University’s Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Institution and LocationDegreeYear(s)Field of Study
Alexandria University, Alexandria, EgyptB.S.1983Soil and Water Sciences
Alexandria University, Alexandria, EgyptM.S.1987Soil Chemistry
Montana State University-Bozeman, USAResearch Associate1990-1993Soil & Environ. Chemistry
Alexandria University, Alexandria, EgyptPh.D.1993Soil & Environ. Chemistry
Montana State University-Bozeman, USAPost-Doctor1993-1994Soil & Environ. Chemistry
Montana State University-Bozeman, USAAss. Res. Professor1994-1996Soil & Environ. Chemistry
University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USAVisiting Professor1999Natural Resources Management
Montana State University-Bozeman, USAVisiting Professor2000Soil & Environ. Chemistry

International Institute of Management – AHMEDABAD (IIMA), IndiaSenior Executive Program Diploma2009Senior Executive Management Program (In Sharm el-Shiekh)

Vice President for Academic Affairs of Alamein International University, 2021-Now.

Acting President of Alexandria University, 2020.

Acting Vice President for Graduate Studies and Research, 2019-2021.

Acting Vice President for Community Service and Environment Development, 2018.

Vice President for Education and Student’s Affair – Alexandria University, 2015-2021.

Director of Bibliotheca Alexandrina Center for Environmental Studies (BACES), 2014 – 2015.

Director of Alexandria University Strategic Planning Center (AUSPC), 2012-2013.

Dean ,Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, 2009-2011.

Vice Dean for CS&ED, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, 2006-2009.

Professor, Soil & Environmental Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University, 2004-Now.

Adjunct Associate Professor, SNRS, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA, Since 1999.

Affiliate Associate Professor, LRES, Montana State University-Bozeman, USA, Since 1996.


Other Experience and Professional Memberships

Member of the Supreme Advisory Committees for the Bibliotheca Alexandrina (Since 2006).

Associate editor of the “Arid Land Research and Management” Journal (Since 1998)

American Chemical Society

Soil Science Society of America

American Society of Agronomy

Western Society of Soil Science

International Society for Ecosystem Health

Soil Science Society of Egypt

The Egyptian Society of Toxicology

The Egyptian Society of Pest Control and Environmental Protection

(Directed and/or participated in the following research projects under different capacities as PI, Co-PI, or Co-Investigator)

Ongoing Research Projects

MOAg – Egypt (ARDF), Kishk (PI), 2010-2014

Sustainable Development of Fragile Agro-ecosystems: The case of the Siwa Oasis (EcoSiwa)

Role: Project Supervisor


MOHE – Egypt (CIQAP), Gaber (PI),  2009-20012

Faculty of Agriculture, Alexandria University: Restructuring for Excellence and Competitiveness. Continuous Improvement and Qualifying for Accreditation Project (CIQAP)

Role: PI.

Completed Research Projects

IDRC, Canada/Ford Foundation, Kishk (PI), 2005-2009

Development of Health Interventions for El-Fayoum, Egypt: A holistic Agro-ecosystem Management Approach. (Phase III).

Role: Co-PI.


MOHE – Egypt (HEEPF),  Kishk (PI), 2004-2006

Enhancing Academic Excellence and Relevance of the Undergraduate Program in Land and Water Resource Management at Alexandria University.

Role: Co-PI.


IDRC, Canada/Ford Foundation, Kishk (PI), 2002-2005

Development of Health Interventions for El-Fayoum, Egypt: A holistic Agro-ecosystem Management Approach. (Phase II).

Role: Co-PI.


IDRC, Canada, Kishk (PI), 2001-2002

Development of Health Interventions for El-Fayoum, Egypt: A holistic Agro-ecosystem Management Approach. (Phase I).

Role: Co-PI.


WHO/EMRO, Abd-Allah (PI), 2001-2002

Assessment of Chemical Contamination (Industrial & Agricultural Wastes) of Drinking Water in Alexandria and Kafr El-Dawar.

Role: Co-PI


The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Abd-Allah (PI),  2001-2002

(Partnership in Development Research Program)

Socio-economic and Health Impacts of Water Degradation in Rural Egypt: A Case Study in Behira Governorate.

Role: Co-Investigator.


Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt, Kishk (PI), 1999-2003

Development and Protection of Coastal Areas in Egypt.

Role: Project Coordinator.


Regional Council for Agricultural Research, Egypt, Koreish (PI), 2000-2003

Integrated and Environmental Management of Biofertilizers in Western Nubaria, Egypt.

Role: Co-PI


WHO/EMRO, Abd-Allah (PI), 1998-1999

Comparative efficacy studies using alternative pesticides on Anopheline-Malaria Mosquitoes in Egypt.

Role: Co-PI


USAID-Universities Linkage Program , Gaber (PI), 1998-2001

Safe Utilization of Wastewater and Sewage Sludge for Agricultural Use.  (U of Alexandria and Montana State University-Bozeman)

Role: PI


USDA, Gaber (PI), 1999

Permeable Zero-Valent Iron Barriers for In-Situ Containment and Remediation of Pesticide Contamination in Unsaturated Soils

Role: PI


USGS, Comfort (PI), 1999-2000

A Test of Permeable Zero-Valent Iron Barriers for In-Situ Containment and Remediation of Pesticide Contamination in Unsaturated Soils.

Role: Co-PI


IDRC, Canada, Abdel-Gaffar (PI), 1997-1998

Integrated Land Development of Southern Egypt: Available Resources and Alternative Options.

Role: Project Coordinator


Great Plains Hazardous Substance Research Center; EPA, Inskeep (PI), 1995-1997

Effects of Surfactants on the Bioavailability and Biodegradation of Contaminants in Soils.

Role: Co-Investigator


USDA/NRICGP, Wraith (PI), 1995-1998

Monitoring Solute Transport under Transient Conditions Using Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR).

Role: Co-Investigator


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Inskeep (PI), 1994-1997

Contaminant Partitioning in Soil Microenvironments: Effects on the Selection of Contaminant Degrading Microorganisms.

Role: Co-Investigator