Engineering & Construction Management

Home / Academics / Field of Engineering / Engineering & Construction Management
University Requirements:14 Cr.Hrs. 6 Cr.Hrs. 20 Cr.Hrs.
General Field Requirements: 33 Cr.Hrs. 33 Cr.Hrs.
General Specialty Requirements: 64 Cr.Hrs.3 Cr.Hrs. 67 Cr.Hrs.
Minor Specialty Requirements: 30 Cr.Hrs.15 Cr.Hrs. 45 Cr.Hrs.

**The Student must perform field training for 10 weeks during his study duration for at least two separate periods not exceeding 6 weeks at a time each.

This degree has been created to help construction professionals develop and enhance project management skills required in the construction industry, with the aim of developing a “full-life” understanding of the facilities and infrastructure created

  • Addressing the challenges of the increasingly changing and growing construction industry with emphasis on the financial, planning and management aspects of the project life cycle.
  • Exploring construction processes from the outset, feasibility, design, communication and construction through commissioning, maintenance, refurbishment and shutdown.
  • To keep pace with scientific and technological progress in the field of the profession and coordination with related disciplines
  • Management of construction projects in accordance with plans and specifications.
  • Responsibility for the safety of temporary structures used during construction.
  • Overseeing budgetary and time-management aspects of projects