Information Technology

Computer ScienceAI ScienceBioinformaticsInformation Technology
University Requirements:20 Cr.Hrs.20 Cr.Hrs.20 Cr.Hrs.20 Cr.Hrs.
Mathematics & Basic Science:24 Cr.Hrs.24 Cr.Hrs.27 Cr.Hrs.24 Cr.Hrs.
Computer Science & Engineering:31 Cr.Hrs.31 Cr.Hrs.31 Cr.Hrs.36 Cr.Hrs.
AI Science & Engineering:6 Cr.Hrs.6 Cr.Hrs.3 Cr.Hrs.0
Advanced Specialty Requirements:42 Cr.Hrs.42 Cr.Hrs.042 Cr.Hrs.
Bioinformatics:0042 Cr.Hrs.0
Project & Training:10 Cr.Hrs.10 Cr.Hrs.10 Cr.Hrs.10 Cr.Hrs.
Total133 Cr.Hrs.133 Cr.Hrs.133 Cr.Hrs.132 Cr.Hrs.

The program focuses on qualifying graduates to meet the user’s technology needs. Scientific programs in information technology began to appear in the 1990s and developed to keep pace with the needs of the current and future labor market.

In addition, the graduate of the Information Technology program has all the modules of graduates of computer Science programs. The graduates have the following characteristics intensively:

  • The ability to apply critical thinking methods to solve and diagnose various IT problems including information security problems.
  • Ability to manage and monitor the performance of operating systems, networks and databases.

Companies working in the field of information technology – Information technology departments in different companies. Develop and support the requirements of modern institutions of computing technology