Under the auspices of Dr. Essam ElKordi, President of Alamein International University and Prof. Dr. Hisham Gaber, Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Faculty of Business at Alamein International University held the Business open day for extracurricular activities in the presence of Prof. Dr. Nashwa Shaker, Faculty Programs director and Professor of Accounting& Auditing, Dr....
Category: Students Activities
Computer Science & Engineering Students participates in CSE open day for extracurricular activities
Under the auspices of Dr. Essam ElKordi, President of Alamein International University and Prof. Dr. Hisham Gaber, Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering at Alamein International University held yesterday the CSE open day for extracurricular activities in the presence of Prof. Dr. Mustafa ElNainay, Dean of the Faculty of...
Engineering Students participate in CSE open day for extracurricular activities
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Essam ElKordi, President of Alamein International University and Prof. Dr. Hisham Gaber, Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Faculty of Engineering at Alamein International University held yesterday the CSE open day for extracurricular activities in the presence of Prof. Dr. Remon Eskander, Director of Faculty of Engineering Programs. Students...
The exhibition of extra-curricular activities of the field of Arts and Design
Under the auspices and presence of Prof. Dr. Essam Elkordi – President of Alamein International University and Prof. Dr. Hisham Gaber – Vice President for Academic Affairs, and under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Safaa Ahmed Abdel-Salam – Dean of the field of Arts and Design, and the presence of the university president’s advisors, deans...
IBDL Training for first & second level students of the Faculty of Business
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Essam ElKordi, President of Alamein International University, and Prof. Dr. Hisham Jaber, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and to activate the memorandum of cooperation between Alamein International University and the International Business Driving License Foundation (IBDL), first and second level students of the Faculty of Business were trained on...
Field trip to the infrastructure networks of the buildings & services of AIU campus
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Essam ElKordi, President of Alamein International University, and Prof. Dr. Hisham Gaber, Vice President of the University for Academic affairs, Faculty of Engineering, supervised by Prof. Dr. Remon Eskander, Programs Director of Engineering organized a field trip to the infrastructure networks of the buildings and services of Alamein International...
Site visit to St. Mark’s Cathedral in Alexandria
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Essam ElKordi, President of Alamein International University and Prof. Dr. Hisham Gaber, Vice President of the University for Academics, the Faculty of Engineering, supervised by Prof. Dr. Remon Eskander, Programs Director of Engineering, organized a site visit to St. Mark’s Cathedral in Alexandria for the students of 2nd level...
Inauguration of Exhibition of first-level students at the Faculty of Arts & Design
Under the auspices of Professor Dr. Essam ElKordi, President of Alamein International University, Professor Dr. Hisham Gaber, Vice President of the University for Academic Affairs and Professor Dr. Safaa Abelsalam , Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Design; an exhibition of first-level students at the Faculty of Arts & Design was inaugurated on Sunday,...
Prof. Dr. Essam ElKordi gives a speech to congratulate the students on the end of the academic year
By the end of the academic year 2020-2021, Prof. Dr. Essam ElKordi, President of Alamein International University, gave a speech to congratulate the students on th end the academic year and encourage them to take the full responsibility , to benefit from all the facilities available at the university ,to maintain their superiority in particular...
Prof. Dr. Essam ELKORDI, President of Alamein International University, inaugurated the first mural designed by the students
Prof. Dr. Essam ELKORDI, President of Alamein International University, inaugurated the first mural designed by the students of the Faculty of Art and Design on one of the walls of the building of the Faculty of International Law Studies and the Faculty of Business. The mural entitled “Black and White” is one of the interactive activities...