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University of Louisville delegation visits AIU Campus

University of Louisville delegation visits AIU Campus

Continuing the visit of the University of Louisville delegation, which extended for two days on June 6-7, 2023, the delegation visited the departments and programs of the specialized engineering and the Faculty of Pharmacy and the AIU centre of scientific research and creativity. The second day of the visit began with a tour for the...

Faculty of Business participates in the Student Leadership Conference 2023

Faculty of Business participates in the Student Leadership Conference 2023

Under the auspices of Prof. Essam ElKordi- President of Alamein International University (AIU) and Prof. Hesham Gaber- Vice President for Academic Affairs. And under the supervision of Prof. Nashwa Shaker Ragab- Professor of Accounting and Auditing and Programs Director of the Faculty of Business and Dr. Reda Elazab- Assistant Professor of Accounting and Auditing, the...

Students of Computer Science and Engineering program won First place in VTURCS Competition

Students of Computer Science and Engineering program won First place in VTURCS Competition

Alamein International University congratulates students of Computer Science and Engineering program participated in the “Graph Your Data” project, winners of the first place in the VTURCS (Virginia Tech Undergraduate Research in Computer Science) competition among about 40 projects that participated in the competition. The Virginia Tech Undergraduate Research Program in Computer Science (VTURCS) highlights students’...

AIU receives Prof. Dr. Mohamed  A Maksoud,  expert in university education development in the field of dentistry

AIU receives Prof. Dr. Mohamed A Maksoud, expert in university education development in the field of dentistry

Today, Tuesday, April 18, 2023, Alamein International University received Prof. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Maksoud – from Harvard University and an expert specializing in the development of university education in the field of dentistry. He was received by Prof. Dr. Roshdy Zahran – Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Alamein International University and Prof. Dr....

Job Vacancies at Alamein International University

Job Vacancies at Alamein International University

Alamein International University at Alamein New City is looking for candidates to fulfill the following open positions: Warehouse Specialist HR Specialist Purchasing specialist Accountant Financial auditor Building supervisor Safety Engineer

Dr. Anne Claire- Professor of Contemporary History at Sorbonne University visits AIU campus

Dr. Anne Claire- Professor of Contemporary History at Sorbonne University visits AIU campus

Prof. Dr. Essam Elkordi- President of Alamein International University (AIU) and Prof. Dr. Hisham Jaber – Vice President for Academic Affairs welcomed Dr. Anne Claire- Professor of Contemporary History at the French National Institute for Oriental Languages ​​and Civilizations of the Sorbonne University. During the meeting, AIU President praised the efforts of the writer to...

Visit to one of the construction sites in the Iskan Misr area

Visit to one of the construction sites in the Iskan Misr area

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Essam El-Kurdi – President of Alamein International University and Prof. Dr. Hisham Jaber – Vice President for Academic Affairs, and within the framework of Alamein International University’s commitment to community service and development, Dr. Mohamed Ezzat Amin, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Coordinator of Social Responsibility...

Arbitration for students projects in the Architecture program, Faculty of Engineering

Arbitration for students projects in the Architecture program, Faculty of Engineering

Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Essam Elkordi- President of Alamein International University, and Prof. Dr. Hesham Gaber – Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Faculty of Engineering, headed by Prof. Dr. Remon Eskander- Director of Engineering Programs Organized a jury for projects at the end of the first semester- Fall 2022, for third-level students...