Under the auspices of Prof. Essam ElKordi- President of Alamein International University (AIU) and Prof. Hesham Gaber- Vice President for Academic Affairs. And under the supervision of Prof. Nashwa Shaker Ragab- Professor of Accounting and Auditing and Programs Director of the Faculty of Business and Dr. Reda Elazab- Assistant Professor of Accounting and Auditing, the Faculty of Business participated in the Student Leadership Conference 2023 organized by the Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), which included a variety of speakers and workshops designed to help students develop their leadership skills and open horizons for communication with industry men to support their careers after graduation.
Among the speakers was Mr. Brian Hock- President of Hock International, who is responsible for providing CMA syllabus.A distinguished group of students of the second and third levels of the accounting and information systems program participated in the conference.The student, Abdelrahman Ali Radwan, was also chosen to make an analytical presentation in front of the audience. The audience included a group of industrialists, e.g. Mr. Ahmed Makhlouf- CFO of General Motors Egypt & North Africa.