Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Essam El-Kurdi – President of Alamein International University and Prof. Dr. Hisham Jaber – Vice President for Academic Affairs, and within the framework of Alamein International University’s commitment to community service and development, Dr. Mohamed Ezzat Amin, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy and Coordinator of Social Responsibility Activities at Alamein International University, visited one of the construction sites in the Iskan Misr area adjacent to the university, where he communicated with the site workers, including engineers and workers, about occupational safety in the place and ways where AIU can provide necessary support for workers. He also supervised the hanging and display of a poster related to the main safety precautions for common hazards for construction workers. The poster was designed by students, Muhammad Abu Al-Saad, Anwar Awad, Muhammad Ragab, Ahmed Al-Maghrabi, and Ahmed Reda at the Faculty of dentistry.