Assistant Professor
Department of Prosthetic Dentistry
Dr. Mohamed El Halawani has been working at the Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University, as an Assistant Professor (Lecturer) at the Conservative Dentistry Department for the past three years with a total working experience at the faculty since 2007. During this time at the University, he has been tasked with teaching postgraduate and undergraduate lectures, clinical sessions, preclinical labs, and supervising postgraduate theses. He obtained his PhD in Fixed Prosthodontics in 2019, in collaboration with Genoa University, where he helped in conducting research and teaching in the International master’s degree. He has also been managing the dental laboratory at the Conservative Dentistry Department. He also had the opportunity of teaching at the Beirut Arab University in the Prosthodontics department as a visiting Assistant Professor during the past 2 years, and at the Arab Academy of Science and technology over the past year.
- Academic Positions
- Administrative Positions
- Teaching Summary
- Journal Publications
- Conference Publications
- Assistant Professor, Prosthodontics department, Dental Medicine, Alamein International University, Egypt (2022-current)
- Lecturer of Fixed Prosthodontics at the Department of Conservative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University, Egypt (2019- current)
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Prosthodontics department, Beirut Arab University (2020-2022)
- Part-time Lecturer, Prosthodontics department, Arab Academy of Science & Technology (2021-2022)
- Visiting researcher, Department of Surgical Sciences and Integrated Diagnostics, University of Genoa (2019)
- Lecturer of Laboratory Fixed Prosthodontics at the Health Artistical Institute, University of Alexandria, Egypt (2016-2019)
- Instructor/Assistant Lecturer of Fixed Prosthodontics, Endodontics and Operative Dentistry for
undergraduate students at the Department of Conservative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University, Egypt (2007 – 2019) – (my main job was instructing students during clinical sessions, giving demonstrations and helping in departmental research)
- Editor in Alexandria Dental Journal (ADJ) (2015- current).
- Head of the Fixed Prosthodontics and Digital Laboratories, Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University (2020-2022).
- Board member for the Specialized Treatment Clinic, Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University (2022-)
- Fixed Prosthodontics I
- Fixed Prosthodontics II
- Occlusion
• El Halawani M, El Kateb M, Shalaby Y, Al Abbassy F. The effect of different surface treatments on the shear bond strength of zirconia-based ceramics to tooth structures (an in vitro study). The 14th Arab
International Conference of Material Science; 2013 Dec 1-3; Alexandria, Egypt. Alexandria: Institute of Graduate Studies and Research; 2013; 143-52.
• El Halawani M, Aboushady Y, Abdel Kader S, Solimei L, Morfi, B, Benedicenti S. Marginal penetration in zirconia inlay-retained fixed partial dentures: an in-vitro study. Alexandria Dental Journal. 2020; 45(3):7-11.
• El Halawani M, Aboushady Y, Abdel Kader S, Solimei L, Benedicenti S. Evaluating the marginal integrity and clinical outcome of posterior zirconia inlay-retained fixed dental prostheses: A randomized clinical trial. International Journal of Prosthodontics. 2021; 34(3):324-33
• Abdelhameed S, Shalaby Y, El Halawani M. Comparative assessment of dimensional stability of addition silicone impression under the effect of disinfection materials. Alexandria Dental Journal. 2022; 47(2):140-6.
• Garaghoolee A, Signore A, El Halawani M, Benedicenti S, Solimei L. Comparison and Effect of Common Beverages on Color Stability of Different Aesthetic Restorative Materials: An In Vitro Study. Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice. 2022; 23(11): 1085-90.
• El Halawani M, Aboushady Y, Abdel Kader S, A Signore, Solimei L, Benedicenti S. Analysis of the marginal continuity in different designs of monolithic zirconia inlay-retained fixed dental prostheses: an invitro study. International Journal of Prosthodontics. In press.
Africa Health EXCON (2022) – Lecture – Artificial Intelligence: The Current Revolution in Digital Workflow