Associate Professor
Department of Pharmacy Practice & Clinical Pharmacy
A pharmacist by training, Dr Amin received his pharmacy degree from Alexandria University and his PhD in Social and Administrative Pharmacy from the University of Wisconsin. He has been the principal investigator on research projects involving clinicians, students and patients in the US, Egypt, Pakistan and Lebanon. He served as a consultant for the WHO, UNESCO and the Bibliotheca Alexandrina on projects related to pharmaceutical policy, pharmacy education and health services research. His academic experience includes serving as a faculty member at pharmacy schools in Egypt, the US and Lebanon where he supervised 45 graduate/ professional students and junior faculty members.
Dr Amin served as the Associate Editor for International Development for the Q1 journal Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy from 2016 to 2021. He is regularly invited to give keynote presentations at national and international conferences including the Egyptian Pharmaceutical Society, the University of Copenhagen Nordic Social Pharmacy Conference and the International Pharmaceutical Federation Regional Meeting. More recently he has been a guest lecturer at the University of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy.
- Academic Positions
- Administrative Positions
- Teaching Summary
- Journal Publications
- Conference Publications
- Funded Research Grants
2022-Present: Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice & Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Alamein International University, Alamein, Egypt
2019-2022: Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beirut Arab University, Beirut, Lebanon.
2016-2019: Assistant Professor, College of Pharmacy, Natural & Health Sciences, Manchester University, Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA.
2015-2016: Assistant Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, Beirut Arab University, Beirut, Lebanon.
2014: Lecturer, Faculty of Pharmacy and Drug Manufacturing, Pharos University in Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt.
2012-2013: Joseph Wiederholt Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellow, School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
2008-2012: Teaching Assistant, School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
2003-2008: Research Pharmacist at the Science Park, Faculty of Pharmacy, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.
2003: Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Pharmacy, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt
- Manchester University
Academic Governance Council, 2017-2019 - Manchester University College of Pharmacy
Vice-Chair, Curriculum Committee, 2017 – 2018
Chair, Curriculum Committee, 2018 – 2019 - Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy (SJR Q1 Publication) – Associate Editor for International Development from 2016-2021
- Drug Information
- Pharmacy, Ethics, and the Health System
- Introduction to Health Services Research
- Principles of Pharmacoeconomics
- Research Responsibility & Ethics (Online)
- Research Responsibility & Ethics (On-campus)
- Public Health & Pharmacy
- Practice & Personnel Management
- Pharmacy in the Healthcare System
- Inter-professional Education
- Medication Safety, Quality & Informatics
- Communication in Pharmacy Practice
- Biostatistics & Drug Literature Evaluation
- Public Health
- Ethics in Pharmacy Practice
- Community Pharmacy
- Mehtar M, Hammoud SH, Amin ME. Knowledge of Fundamental Principles of Pharmacogenomics among Community Pharmacists in Beirut. Submitted
- Alaeddine C, Schreiber J, Amin ME. Pregnant Women’s Intentions to Fast during Ramadan: A Theory-Informed Study. Submitted
- Rifai L, Soubra L, Hassanein, M, Amin ME. Title: Comprehensive Care for Patients with Diabetes in Ramadan: A Module for Pharmacy Students and Pharmacists. Accepted Pending Minor Revisions
- Bajis D, Daifi M, Amin M. Pharmacy-related research for health in the Arab region: an analysis informed by WHO’s global strategy on research for health. Explor Res Clin Soc Pharm. In Press Corrected Proof
- Amin ME. Addressing Cultural Competence and Bias in Treating Migrant Workers in Pharmacies: Pharmacy Students Learning and Changing Norms. Res Social Adm Pharm. In Press Corrected Proof
- Nakhal S, Domiati S, Amin ME, El-Lakany A. Assessment of Pharmacy Students’ Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards Herbal Dietary Supplements. J Am Coll Health. In Press Corrected Proof
- Amin ME, Rawy M, Qudah B, Kaur A, Chewning B. Construction and evaluation of an online module addressing counseling patients with diabetes observing religious fasting. Curr Pharm Teach Learn 2021;13(12):1602-1610
- Amin ME, Abdelmageed A, Farhat M. Communicating With Clinicians on Fasting During Ramadan: The Patients’ Perspective. J Relig Health.2021 60(2), 922-940
- Rawy M, Look K Amin ME, Chewning B. Development and validation of a theory-based instrument to predict community pharmacists’ intention to provide pharmaceutical care services. Res Social Adm Pharm. 2021;17(4): 664-676
- Qadeer GW, Amin ME. Perspectives on an Amended Law Addressing Pharmacists’ Availability in Community Pharmacies. J Eval Clin Pract. 2021;27(1): 151-157
- Amin ME Nørgaard LS, Cavaco AM, Witry MJ, Hillman L, Cernasev A, Desselle SP. Establishing Trustworthiness and Authenticity In Qualitative Pharmacy Research. Res Social Adm Pharm. 2020;16(10): 1472-1482
- Amin ME, Abdelmageed A. Clinicians’ Perspectives on Caring For Muslim Patients Considering Fasting During Ramadan. J Relig Health.2020 59(3), 1370–1387
- Amin ME, Abdelmageed A. RAMCOM: A Qualitative Study of Clinicians’ Viewpoints on a Tool for Communication with Muslim Patients Considering Fasting During Ramadan. PLoS One. 2020; 15(2): e0228888
- Desselle SP, Chen A, Amin ME, Aslani P, Dawoud D, Miller M, Norgard LS. Generosity, Collegiality, and Scientific Accuracy When Writing and Reviewing Original Research Res Social Adm Pharm. 2020; 16(2):261-265
- Amin ME, Amine AE, Newegy M. Perspectives of Community Pharmacy Staff on Dispensing Subtherapeutic Doses of Antibiotics: A theory informed qualitative study. Int J Clin Pharm 2017;39 (5): 1110-1118
- Amin ME. Fattouh Y. Assessment of a Pharmaceutical Advertisement Analysis Module In A Drug Literature Evaluation Course. Am J Pharm Educ. 2017; 81 (6): 112
- Amin ME, Amine AE, Newegy MS. Injudicious Provision of Subtherapeutic Doses of Antibiotics in Community Pharmacies. Inov Pharm. 2017;8(1):18
- Amin ME, Chewning B. Pharmacist-Patient Communication about Medication Regimen Adjustment during Ramadan. Int J Pharm Pract. 2016; 24(6):419-427
- Amin ME, Chewning B. Pharmacists’ Counseling on Oral Contraceptives: A Theory Informed Analysis. Res Social Adm Pharm. 2016;12(5): 669-681
- Amin ME. Pharmacists’ Knowledge and Interest in Developing Counseling Skills relating to Oral Contraceptives. Int J Clin Pharm 2016;38 (2): 395-403
- Amin ME, Chewning B. Predicting Pharmacists’ Adjustment of Medication Regimens in Ramadan Using the Theory of Planned Behavior Res Social Adm Pharm. 2015;11(1): e1–e15.
- Amin ME, Chewning B. Community Pharmacists’ Knowledge of Diabetes Management during Ramadan in Egypt. Int J Clin Pharm 2014;36 (6): 1213-1221
- Patwardhan PD, Amin ME, Chewning B. Intervention Research to Enhance Community Pharmacists’ Cognitive Services: A Systematic Review Res Social Adm Pharm. 2014;10(3):475-493.
- Amin M. Abdelmageed A, Farhat M “Clinician Patient Communication In Relation To Fasting During Ramadan: Perspectives From The US And Egypt” Podium Presentation at the Healthcare Communications in the Middle East Conference (Weill Cornell Medicine-Qatar), Online November 20-21, 2020
- Qadeer, G, Amin M. “Pharmacist Absenteeism Following A New Law: A Theory Informed Qualitative Study” Poster Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the International Pharmaceutical Federation–Social and Administrative Sciences Section, Abu Dhabi, UAE September 22-26, 2019.
- Amin M. Abdelmageed A, Farhat M “Communicating with Clinicians on Fasting during Ramadan: The Patients’ Perspective” Poster Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy–Social and Administrative Sciences Section, Chicago, IL July 13-17, 2019.
- Amin M. Abdelmageed A. “RAMCOM: A Tool For Communication With Muslim Patients Considering Fasting During Ramadan” Poster Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy–Social and Administrative Sciences Section, Chicago, IL July 13-17, 2019.
- Noureldin M, Amin M, Bonnarens J. “Team Based Learning in a Pharmacy Management Course” Poster Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy–Social and Administrative Sciences Section, Chicago, IL July 13-17, 2019.
Rawy M, Chewning B, Look K Amin M. “An Extended Theory of Planned Behavior Approach to Understanding Community Pharmacists’ Intention to Provide Pharmaceutical Care” Poster Presentation at the 166th Annual Meeting of the American Pharmacists Association– Economic, Social, and Administrative Sciences Section, Seattle, WA, March 22-25, 2019. - Amin M. “Pharmacists’ Counselling on Oral Contraceptives in Egypt” Podium Presentation at the 47th Psychosocial Workshop of the Transnational Family Research Institute, Chicago, IL April 25-26, 2017.
- Amin M. “Pharmacists’ Initiation of Communication on Side Effects of Oral Contraceptives” Poster Presentation at the 164th Annual Meeting of the American Pharmacists Association– Economic, Social, and Administrative Sciences Section, San Francisco, CA March 24-27, 2017.
- Amine AE, Amin M. Newegy M. “Irrational Dispensing Antibiotics in Egyptian Pharmacies: A Mixed-Methods Study.” Roundtable Presentation at the 144th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association-International Health Section, Denver, CO October 29 -November 2, 2016.
- Amin M. “Community Pharmacists’ Knowledge of the Use and Risks of Oral Contraceptives” Poster Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy–Social and Administrative Sciences Section, National Harbor, MD July 11-15, 2015.
- 2021-2024 “Online pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine postgraduate program”
PI: Dr Ahmed Wahid
Funding Source: Erasmus+ – European Commission - 2014-2015 “Competency development in higher education in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) countries”
PI: Drs Mohamed Amin, Dalia Bajis
Funding Source: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Funding Amount: $4,000 - 2012-2013 “Pharmacists’ Role in adjusting Medication Regimens for Muslim Patients in Ramadan.”
PI: Mohamed Amin
Funding Source: Sonderegger Research Center Dissertator Award; School of Pharmacy, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Funding Amount: $3,500 - 2006-2008 “Egyptian National Drug Policy Assessment Survey”
PI: Egyptian Ministry of Health
Funding Source: Department of Essential Drugs and Medicines Policy Award, Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office; World Health Organization.
Funding Amount: $15,000