Department of Physical Engineering
- B.SC (Mechanical Engineering) – class 1966
- Phd. (Moscow state university)- class 1977
- Associate professor – 1988
- Professor
- Faculty of Engineering ,Alexandria univ. 1966-present.
- Beirut Arab University:1980-1985 permanent Lecturer, 1997-2000 permanent associate prof. Visiting Prof. from 1990-1997, 2000-2008.
- Nasser university, Libya 1990-1992,
- Tikreet University , Iraq 1989-1990(one academic term).
Part time work:
- Pharos university Alexandria,Egypt.
- Arab Academy for Science Technology & Maritime Transport (AASTMT).
- Air defense college , armed forces,Egypt.
- Tanta Univeristy,Egypt
- Alexandria Higher Institute of Engineering & Technology.
Research field:
Applied Mathematics: classical Mechanics- fast rotational motion of Rigid bodies about a fixed point- Nonlinear vibration- Stability of motion- perturbation techniques.Quqsilinear differential equations.
Associate professor of Engineering Mechanics Faculty of Engineering ,Alexandria University.
Permanent member of the Engineering Mechanics department board, Faculty of Engineering ,Alexandria University.
Chairman of Control and Examination board of the Engineering Mechanics department, Faculty of Engineering ,Alexandria University.
- Statics
- Dynamics
- Analytical Mechanics
- Advanced Mechanics
- Fluid dynamics
- Theory of Elasiticity( Mechanics of elastic materials)
- Complex Variable Analysis
- Perturbation techniqes
- Calculs
- Higher Mathematics.