Physical Therapy

  • University Requirements:  20 Cr.Hrs.
  • Field Requirements:            170 Cr.Hrs

              Total:                                 190 Cr.Hrs.



Physical Therapy Program is designed to deliver the academic and clinical education required to prepare students for their professional role as key members of the medical team and as an integral part of the healthcare delivery system. The program aims to graduates skilled therapists who can manage patients of all ages improving their physical and functional abilities. They can help individuals keep optimal health and fitness, and prevent the onset or progression of impairments, functional limitations, and disabilities related to different health issues.

  • Employ fundamental general and scientific knowledge in the analysis and interpretation of data.
  • Apply modern methods and techniques of physical therapy.
  • Demonstrate willingness to make sustainable and effective contributions to the field of physical therapy.
  • Exercise critical thinking, analysis and problem-solving.

The graduate of physical therapy program can be employed in the following fields locally, nationally or internationally:

–Physical Therapists in: Hospitals – Rehabilitation centers – Private clinics – Schools – Elderly housing – Research centers.