Professor Dr. Essam Elkordi, President of Alamein International University, participated in the activities of the meeting of the Global University Associations Forum (GUAF) via the Zoom platform. The forum includes the African Universities Association (AAU), the Arab Universities Association (AArU), the European University Association (EUA), and the Association of Universities of South America and the Caribbean ENLACES.
The meeting discussed enabling international cooperation and exchange between the associations, as well as exploring pathways and mechanisms to enhance cooperation in the context of student and researcher exchange, and the contribution of universities to achieving the specific goals within the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the continental and regional development aspirations of the member associations.
It is worth mentioning that the GUAF forum brings together representatives of university associations from Africa, the Arab region, Asia, Europe, Latin America, the Caribbean, and North America. Its purpose is to facilitate mutual exchange and learning between the associations, enabling them to collectively communicate and collaborate on global issues of interest to the sector. GUAF also works to promote and embrace academic values such as academic freedom, integrity, institutional independence, student and staff engagement, and comprehensive diversity.