Prof. Dr. Essam Elkordi- President of Alamein International University, and Prof. Dr. Hesham Gaber- Vice President for Academic Affairs, welcomed a delegation from Cisco Systems, a leading technology company, in the presence of Prof. Dr. Mostafa El-Nainai- Dean of the Faculty of Computer Sciences and Engineering.
The visit aims to discuss ways of cooperation and provide training for IT specialists on Cisco’s current network and server systems at AIU.
The Cisco delegation included Mr. Simon Hill- Regional Customer Services Manager, Dr. Mohamed Tawfik Mubarak- Executive Director of Customer Services, and representatives of the company from customer service and user accounts sectors.
Cisco Systems, Inc. is a multinational American-based digital communications technology corporation headquartered in California. Cisco develops, manufactures, and sells networking hardware, software, telecommunications equipment, and other high-technology services and products. The company specializes in specific tech markets, such as the Internet of Things, video conferencing, and energy management, with leading products in these areas.